Metal Shearing

Metal Shearing, one of the oldest forms of production, has survived in this day and age of Laser and Water Cutting because of it’s cost per piece and simplicity. Almost any shape can be produced as long as it has straight edges. Once the metal sheet or plate has been positioned and clamped, the cut is achieved by one square edged (cutting) blade being passed by another square edged (stationary) blade. This action produces such a high degree of force that the material has no option but to shear and this produces very straight cuts with a slight burred edge.

TR Metalworks provide a quick turnaround shearing services on most of our materials, available to both our commercial and domestic customers in Singapore

The process of Shearing Sheet Metal and Plates is possible with almost any material from; Stainless Steel, Aluminium, Titanium, Brass and all forms of Mild Steel, including Galvanized and Zintec Sheets.

Maximum Shearing Width
3,100 mm Thickness depends on the length of the material to be sheared
Tolerance +/- 1.0mm
Shearing Tonnage 300 tonnes
Please approach our sales representative for more information if you need more sophisticated shearing service.